You’ve Never Seen the Stars….

The following is an excerpt from my journal…..
We saw the stars at Joshua Tree when the sun set. Laying in the bed of that truck felt wonderful. It just felt right. The crisp dry air surrounding us was only punctuated by the cloudy cadence escaping our lips into the night sky. God was there. This moment, this feeling, this place, was constantly flowing from the pen of the poet W.B. Yeats. These were the “Cloths of Heaven.” But this was no dream. This cloth was a tapestry hung in the sky long ago. Innumerable stars visible in the night sky made it difficult to discern the major constellations. So littered was the firmament with gaseous little balls of white light that it was almost distressing to the eyes. Shivering in the back of that pickup snuggled next to my wife a peculiar thought crossed my mind, “I have never seen the stars.” And indeed, in a very Heming-way, I had not.
I enjoyed that very much. I could see that moment in my head.
God bless you both.
Aunt Melody
Sage Johnson
Thank you for taking the time to read 🙂