Coffee , Coffee, Coffee
Two days in a row in considered a routine, right? Two days last week I took Digby to the off-leash dog park that is in from of the National History Museum. That’s where I was able to strike up a conversation with two women, and the next day I saw the same women. We ended up exchanging numbers and made plans for the following weekend to have dinner with our husbands. Dinner was delicious and Don and I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with anyone other than each other! Living in a studio has really left little room for alone time, other than the bathroom. By bathroom I am not referring to private time, I am referring to actual reading. In order to not wake me up in the morning Don puts a towel down and sits on it and reads his daily devotional and correlating scripture, there is also much needed coffee drinking.
Speaking of coffee, I think I might be drinking more coffee than ever. In the morning I walk Chevy to the café and tie him to a bike park. Then with my coffee in tow we walk back home. I also was able to reach out to a veteran travel nurse that is also on assignment at our hospital. We meet at a cute little coffee shop called Irving Farm. She was able to calm my woes about starting at the hospital and gave me great advice for living in NYC. Coincidentally the self-service laundry that we go to is right next door, so in between switching over the laundry I can sip my coffee next door. I knew coming to New York we would need to find a laundry mat, I just had not anticipated that it would be so hard. They are tons of places nearby, but they only do drop off and fold. Its 1.25 per pound of clothing. It adds up really quickly.
The apartment does not utilize space efficiently. The Queen bed takes up half the apartment, the TV stand had minimal storage, there are two top cabinets in the kitchen, and the dresser is small and short. The Apartment also has too much furniture. There is one coffee table, one side table, and two night stands. None of which have any drawers or shelves attached. The Kitchen has two walls without hooks or shelving of any kind. I might just be hyper critical since I am the IKEA queen, but so much space saving could have been done here. I am going to go to IKEA tomorrow so I can find some shelves so I can take my kitchen pantry out of the clothes closet.
Our building was built in the 1900 but seems to be in good shape. Because it is so old my shower has 4 knobs, with the drain stopper outside the tub. The top knobs turn on the shower. The bottom knobs turn on the bath spout. The water comes out ice cold or scalding hot. But we can’t complain too much because we have amazing water pressure, which apparently is a luxury in these old buildings.
Don looks very handsome in his uniform. He is really liking his job so far. He really likes not having to drive to work.
In other news, Don has recovered mentally from having to shave his beard.