Learning and Adjusting

On the way to Brooklyn

I’m standing outside of a cute little brunch place called Jacobs Pickles that specializes in “Southern- accented comfort food”, I am only slightly turning up my nose at that statement. I grabbed some coffee and headed towards the restaurant to get our name on the list. After telling the hostess we had a party of 3 she informed me nonchalantly that the wait would be TWO HOURS! So, we did what New Yorkers do best, waited in line. On a side note you have pay strangers to wait in line for you in NYC. Next time I go to brunch, I might just have to hire someone to do that! I had a lot of time to think while I was waiting on the rest of my party. It hadn’t occurred to me until this moment that Don and I had officially been here exactly one month. I know I haven’t exactly been silent about how bummed I was that my contract got pushed, but it turns out it was exactly what I needed.

This past month has pushed me severely out of my comfort zone. Being on my own a lot, I was forced to be okay with my own thoughts. I was forced to remember that I wasn’t always as shy as I am now. It made me very outspoken with getting contact information with someone that might want to hang out. It made me follow through with plans, and be more active about making plans. As an added bonus I started writing this blog and remembered that I’m not just the worst writer. I got a lot of much needed rest and quality puppy snuggle time. After waiting a little less than two and a half hours, we finally got a table. The restaurant turned out to be really good but I wouldn’t compare their biscuits to southern biscuits. I walked the 24 blocks up to the hospital to bring Don a biscuit. He also wasn’t impressed with it.

While the rest of Manhattan was celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, we were enriching out mind. We made our way down to Brooklyn to The New York Transit Museaum. We got to learn about how the transit tunnels were built. It took a lot of manpower and strategic planning to get it all just right. We also got to go inside the vintage subways and elevated cars. They were so old, they advertisements for cigarettes along the inside of the subway cars. On the way out of the museum we wandered around The Brooklyn Bridge park. It was about 50 degrees and everyone was out enjoying the sunshine.

Manhattan Bridge

We then ventured to a branch of The Metropolitan Museums of Art called the Cloisters. It took us about 30 minuets to get all the way uptown, but it was worth it because its inside of Fort Tryon Park right next to the Hudson River so we had amazing views! The Cloisters is dedicated to the architecture and art of Medieval Europe. Wandering from the chapel, to the treasure room, to the gardens it made me feel like I was in the show Reign from Netflix.

Chevy has been on bedrest for the last few months due to him getting heart worm treatment. As of today, he if officially off of bedrest. Half of me is super excited for him but the other half very nervous because he is having issues adjusting to NY. Chevy likes to growl at some of the dogs that we pass on our walks. This comes as a shock to me because he grew up going to the dog park and socializing frequently with other dogs. It might just be that he is protecting me because he is overwhelmed by all the people and dogs. Either way I got him a simple harness that slips over his nose to prevent him from biting.

We went to the dog park, but I didn’t take him off his leash or let him leave my side. Even though Chevy did awesome, I still wasn’t ready. It’s something we are going to have to ease back into so that I’m comfortable with it. I did get some super shade from all the people at the dog park. I mean don’t get me wrong I get it, they see a dog who in not allowed off leash and clearly has a training muzzle on and they get nervous. I guess I just didn’t expect to feel so singled out by most of them. They kept looking at me as if to wonder how dare I bring him around other dogs if he needs a muzzle. They just don’t understand

that he is actually a supper sweet pup. My irritation also stems from the fact that there were no less than 7 dog fights in the hour I was there and no one really seemed to care.

So upset that he had to wear this muzzle 🙁

Anyway, I guess I need to start my night time routine. I have my first day of hospital orientation in the morning!

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