Finally Working
I started working at my facility two weeks ago. The first week was just general hospital orientation. It was two days of learning some things about the equipment they use and a few policies and procedures. Then another two days of training of the charting system called Epic. Don had to start from scratch when learning Epic, luckily, I was already familiar with it. The thing I gained most from the first week was meeting all the other travelers that are on my unit. There are 6 of us! So obviously we all became friends fast. I have enjoyed getting to know them better, and knowing I’m not alone learning on the unit.

After the first week of orientation I was supposed to get 3 orientation shifts on my unit. That’s where I would learn where everything was, who was who, and how the flow of the unit works. After my first full day on the unit, to say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. I didn’t feel like i was given some of the direction I needed like where basic supplies are, how to contact certain people, and what is my required shift documentation. While my hospital in NY is a great hospital it couldn’t be more different than Baptist. Baptist is all shiny and pretty with new equipment and renovated units. Where I am working in not at all. The equipment might actually be from the 80’s. Don’t get me wrong, the equipment still provides exactly what my patient needs it’s just me who is having to adjust. Even the smallest things I use in my day to day practice are different. Also, I have to take a train or bus and walk a lot and up a huge hill to get to work. Which is not really much at all, but after having the worst day ever it just feels like it might actually be the end of the world. I might have cried on the bus on the way home. Don takes such good care of me. When I got home, he was waiting for me with open arms, dinner, and a cupcake. I swore to him that there was no way we were ever going to take another travel assignment, I wanted to go back to my comfort Zone.

Reluctantly I showed up for work on day two. I got to work 20 minutes early and went in the supply room and found where my most used stuff was, found where they keep the thermometer, the crash cart, how to call a code, and then went ahead and assessed my patients. I had a really good day and was even starting to get the hang of the unit. I was able to have lunch with Don and got to leave on time. Don on the other hand had to stay an hour late to wrap up things from events that day. I learned a lot on day two and was feeling better about going back for my third day.

On the third day there were some people called into work so they pulled me off orientation and gave me my own patients. I would have three patients. I’m not a new nurse, I don’t mind having three patients, it just that I didn’t get report on my patient until 8 so I was really behind until the middle on the day. They also pulled two other travelers off orientation who had the rooms across from me and beside me. We had amazing team work. When one of us didn’t know something there was a good chance that one of us would. I don’t know what we would have done without each other that day. We all were able to leave at 7:30 and headed to a nearby restaurant to grab a glass of well deserved wine and to recap the day. I really am so happy I am getting some much needed girl time.
We are starting to feel more at home in NYC. When we walk the dogs, go grocery shopping, or do laundry it’s no longer feeling weird or new. It just feels kind of normal now, it’s a weird feeling to describe.
Time for me to get off of here, my plane just landed in Memphis, TN. I flew in to see my best friend since 1st grade get married. I am very happy to have some time at home with family and friends. Don wasn’t able to make the trip home with me, so I will be missing him.