Better Everyday
I worked the last three days and surprisingly it was a lot better. My first shift was very busy, I ended up getting a very sick patient who was being admitted right when I walked in the door. Working in the ICU not only requires skill but a sense of quickness to everything. I thinks that’s something I have struggled with the most. At a new facility everything is unfamiliar and there is a learning curve with the equipment. Since I am new to using the different types of equipment, I am a little slower at doing some things than I would like to be. This will get easier each facility I go to because there are only so many different types of machines. The rest of the day was wonderful and I even get to take my whole hour lunch!
On my second shift I was floated to a step-down unit. I have never worked as a nurse anywhere other than the ICU, so I was not sure exactly what to expect. After an 8-minute orientation to the unit, I got report on my three patients. I ended up sending someone home and admitting two more patients. This floor had even more different equipment and a lot of paper work that needed to fill out. All in all, it was a challenging but still go day. I will say without a doubt that I was more than ready to go at 19:30, I am defiantly not a step-down nurse.

On my third day it was super chill and I had amazing patients. I have more time to help other people out and orient myself more to the unit. I got to spend more time learning the personalities of different nurses and doctors on the unit. I got to look into more policy’s and procedure, which make me more comfortable. I got my coffee break, my hour lunch break with Don, and even managed to leave on time.
Hopefully things only keep getting better. One thing that has surprised me the most is how MOST of the staff I have worked with on each unit was very helpful and understanding. I had not expected that so much because of everything you hear about Northerners. I am pleasantly surprised.
We had the last two days off together and we just spent them mostly relaxing. Yesterday we met our friends for dinner and Chick-fil-a and had some drinks at the super cute wine bar next door. Unfortunately, when we got home at 23:00 it was raining and we still had to take the dogs out. Chevy dose not mind the rain so much, but Digby is a glorified divo. He was wet when we got home, and was mad when I wouldn’t let him climb into bed with me. Today we spent the day walking to Harlem to go to Target, Aldi, and Costco. The weather today was amazing at 60 degrees. We took and Uber home with our snacks.
I am going to cook dinner now (and by me, I mean Don because I will start cooking and he will kick me out of the kitchen), so we can go see a movie tonight. I work tomorrow, I hope tomorrow is another great day.