St. John The Divine

Every day when I walk to work, I go up the grueling hill that’s sits beside Morningside Park. Every time, I swear I won’t make it to the top but I always do. When I finally get up to the top The Cathedral Church of St. John The Divine comes into view. I must have walked past it a dozen times by now always admiring its beauty and largess. It wasn’t until my patient told me last week that the Cathedral is actually the biggest in North America, and the fifth largest in the World.

Construction started in December of 1892 and has never actually been finished. The front of the cathedral that faces Amsterdam is in great condition whereas the back looks desolate. The exterior of the church covers 121,000 Square feet and its 232 feet high. The church is built out of stone, granite and limestone. The church says on their website that they are focusing their endeavor’s in the community and not into the restoration of the church at this time. Hopefully it will be finished one day, after all its only been 120 years in the making.