Announcement: Whats next?

We have really enjoyed our time here in NYC. With three weeks left of our contract it’s a little emotional to think back on our journey so far. Living in Manhattan, as you know, has come with its fair share of ups and downs. I love almost everything about New York. In a sea full of people, it’s easy to just get lost in your own thoughts, you just kind of learn to tune people out.

Central Park Japanese Cherry Tree in bloom

My walks in the park are no longer filled with sniffly noses, two layers of jackets, and snow boots. Instead they are filled with sounds of children playing at the park, the sweet aroma of fresh cut grass, blooming cherry trees, and freshly planted tulips in an assortment of colors.  There seems to be an endless number of things to do, it’s as if the city is defrosting.  

Japanese Cherry Tree

Just when we have adjusted to city life, it’s time to start thinking about our next steps. We have several options when it comes to where to go next. We would ideally like to buy an RV and go out to Oregon or Washington, but that will just have to wait. The city just now seems to be coming alive. How on earth could we leave now? Don and I have decided to extend our current contract until June 29 so we can have more time to experience everything the city has to offer!  

Natalie, another traveler at my facility, and I exploring Central Park

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