Pulse For Travelers

Last month as I was lounging in bed, I heard a ping on my phone. When I went to look at it, it was a comment on my blog from a Pulse for Travelers ambassador. The ambassador had come across my blog and wanted to share with me about a little about what Pulse was and to ask would I be interested in hosting a meet-up. I love social gatherings, so of course I was in! While I am very thankful that my husband is able to travel with me, I still get lonely. Thats the hardest part about being a travel nurse because you never know how the people at your hospital will respond to you. Will they receptive? Will they like me? Will they hate me? Will they want to hang out with me? It’s all the what if’s that make it frightening to make new friends every few months. After learning about Pulse, I felt a wave of relief come over my body.

Pulse for travelers is a social networking app made specifically for traveling medical professionals and its sole purpose is to help you get connected with travelers near you! The app allows you to build your profile starting with what medical role you are in followed by where you have been, and what location and facility you are at now. After creating your profile, you are able to search for events near you and find other travelers near you. Oh, did I mention its FREE on the app store, and I you know me at all you know that FREE IS FOR ME!  

I started researching places where I could host a meet-up so I started at my favorite place, Central Park. It was only natural that I choose to host a picnic, which of my favorite thing to do in NYC, and paired it with my favorite wine, which is Prosecco. Now I needed a location. It was hard to choose because there are so many beautifully shaded spots in the park like the sheep meadow, bow bridge, and the great hill. Ultimately, I choose a perfect spot in Sheep Meadow. Unfortunately, a few days before the meetup I realized that my outing was the same weekend as some huge events in Central Park so I had to move locations to my second favorite NYC park in front of the Natural History Museum.  

On the day of the event I was armed with my picnic blankets, sunglasses, and prosecco. I headed to get ready to meet everyone. I set up under a great big tree to help block us from the unrelenting sun. It was a particularly hot June Saturday, but fortunately there was a storm moving in and it allowed us to have a few hours of gentle breezes. I loved getting to hear of other travel adventures and how they had done some traveling in an RV. I loved getting to spend a few hours outside meeting new friends. We shared a lot of laughs and some NYC secrets before the rain started creeping in. While I was happy for the rain to cool of the city, I was sad that it ended our outing. I can’t wait to get to host another meet-up when I get to my new assignment in the Seattle area! 

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