• Stuck between a pole and a hard place

    Wow, last time I posted we had only been living in our trailer one week.  It has now been over a month and we just love it!   The jury is still out on California.   Let’s rewind to last month to right after we got on the road again after getting out flat tire fixed. We made great time arriving into San Francisco it just so happened that it was near rush hour on a Friday night, so we spent a lot of time sitting in traffic on the not Golden Gate toll bridge into the city. We arrived to our RV park after 7PM and it was pitch black outside. Half…

  • Road Less Traveled

    We have officially been living full time in our travel trailer for one whole week and let me tell you, its been a bumpy ,or shall I saw windy, road so far.  Let me just start from the beggining.  We got a late start when we left on Wednesday. My intention was to leave around noon but in actuality we didn’t leave until about 14:00. As it usually does, the list of things that we needed to tie up before we left just kept growing and growing.  One of the decisions we struggled with was what to do with my Vespa. As most of you know I bought the Vespa in…

  • Travel Tales

    Day three started out early at the measly hour of 6 AM. Getting up that early was not on my radar but the dogs had other plans. The sound of their nails clicking and clacking on the laminate flooring on the trailer was like nails on a chalk board so I hesitantly got up. Don was already awake, and was getting ready to wake me up anyway “Go on and get up, we need to get across the levy before the rain comes. The Big Sioux river floods frequently” Don said with his naturally assertive nature. Apparently Baltic South Dakota sits in low lands and floods to the point where…

  • Pulse For Travelers

    Last month as I was lounging in bed, I heard a ping on my phone. When I went to look at it, it was a comment on my blog from a Pulse for Travelers ambassador. The ambassador had come across my blog and wanted to share with me about a little about what Pulse was and to ask would I be interested in hosting a meet-up. I love social gatherings, so of course I was in! While I am very thankful that my husband is able to travel with me, I still get lonely. Thats the hardest part about being a travel nurse because you never know how the people…

  • On The Road Again

    We always plan to get on the road pretty early on the first day of a road trip, but it seems to never actually happen. We woke up at 6AM and promptly started getting ready for the day and loading the truck. We pack most everything in storage bins so its relatively easy to place things where they need to go. What takes the most time is cleaning up the house. I one of those people who can’t come home to a dirty house, especially after a trip. We also have to make sure the gates, shed, and house are locked and secure before engaging our security system and cameras.   We thought…

  • NYC Guide: The Locals Advice

    NYC Guide: The Locals Advice My husband and I, along with our two fur babies, had the opportunity to live in New York City thanks to our jobs as nurses. Living in NYC over 4 and a half months makes you a pro, right!!? While I cant promise to navigate you anywhere, because lets be honest i still end up in Brooklyn sometimes, I can promise to share with you what I do know: . . New Yorkers are NOT rude,  they’re just trying to catch a train, bus, cab, Uber.  You will pay more for everything here: rent, groceries, laundry, pets, salon, coffee … you want it, I can…

  • PSA

    I just needed the world to know what all of NYC knows already! Sage Johnson is a klutz . I , for the 4th time this month , dropped by precious, magical coffee just mere steps from my building. My name is Sage Johnson, and I have a problem with what I call the dropsies. That is all, thanks!

  • Just a catch up

    I guess I need to do some catching up, my last post was May 1st , I just haven’t been super inspired to write anything. I’m told it be like that some times. May has come with a plethora of up’s and downs for me. We are getting to that point in our adventure that we have crossed a lot of “Must- Do’s” off our list for NYC and now we need day to day activities to do, like we would at home. The problem is we don’t exactly know what our day to day activities are. In the first few days of May Dons mom, Penny, got to visit us and stayed with us in our tiny little shoebox. We showed her…

  • Your First Day: A travel Nurses Guide

      On my first day of my travel assignment I was dressed and ready to go so I ended up having plenty of time to sit and enjoy a coffee at Starbucks close to my hospital. It got me thinking about things I needed to learn how to do and numbers I needed. Walking into my unit’s break room for the first time was extremely intimidating.  There was only 3 people in there because I was extremely early. Our start time in NYC is 7AM, but I am used to being ready for report at 6:45AM so I was in the break room at 6:40. Sipping the last bit of…

  • On This Rock

    Its 3:55 PM on a sunny afternoon. Its 68 degrees outside with a calm breeze. I’m sitting on a rock, in the sun, beside a lake in Central Park. I can see a baby turtle swimming near the bank, he’s been swimming the same little path for over an hour. I hear the clanking of boats as they hit one another and the giggling screams of the passages when they think they are going to tip over. I am very thankful they are all wearing life jackets.  When the breeze decides to blow, I can feel the debris from the tree hitting my legs. I can hear the splashing of…